My March Break

My March break was so brilliant, I can’t even start to put it into words. The
first day I did a closet clean out. I was so surprised at how much clothes I
did not fit into. So knowing that, I went shopping at Outlets the very next
day. It was a blast, me and my dad bought so much stuff. We shopped for
5 hours straight. The closet clean out was hard, but going shopping was so
much fun, that it was worth it. I was so freaking tired when I arrived home from shopping.

The rest of my March break was no less fun. I had a blast snowboarding. I
fell a few times, but I got the hang of it. The ski lift was really fun too.
I’m not the best at snowboarding, but it’s 100% one of my hobbies.

Now I didn’t have a break, at least not yet. The following day I went rock
climbing at the Guelph Grotto Climbing Center.
It was awesome. There were so many places to climb, a lot of them were
too difficult, and a lot of them were too easy, but I had a blast. It was so fun.
Just like snowboarding, I’m not the greatest at rock climbing, but I love it. I spent hours and hours climbing until my hands formed so many blisters I

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