My Day at the College Royal’s Open House
Emma Kong
Saturday,March 18 I went to college royal’s open house with my friends and my family.
Firstly, we went into a place where there were crystals and eggs. For the crystals we can use a microscope to observe them closely. My friend and I used the microscope to look at the crystals. They are big or small and with different colors and they are all unique. I like the crystals because they are all unique and I really like how they looked like under the microscope. We also saw some eggs there. They are the eggs of different kinds of birds. Some of them are really small and some of them are much bigger. Those eggs have different colors too. I really like the eggs because I was very interested in them and I have not seen them before. I also learned one of them are a kind of bird called Catbird. Then we found a place where we can spin a wheel. After we spinning it we needed to answer a question,but if you landed on the cow’s face you could get a prise. The prise is a bracelet which is black and white.
Secondly,we went upstairs into a science lab room. We saw a lot of animal’s skins, turtles, spiders, snakes, and skeletons. We touched the animal skins and they felt very soft. We also touched the snakes that were held by the people. At the beginning we were afraid to touch them , but we got encouragement to touched them. Before we leaving the room we all washed our hands.
After the lunch we went to the barn, there were so many people lining up there. We had to wait for a really long time before we could enter into the barn. In the barn we saw cows, horses, pigs, chicks, bees, and lambs. I really like the chicks because they are so cute. But I still like the other animals too. There were also lot of cards on the table which you could take home with you.
After we got out of the barn, we went back home. I was very tired but I had a lot of fun that Saturday. I can’t wait for the next year which is 100 year of the College Royal’s open house.